Blog Posts

Best CTM Routine For Skin Hydration

The Best CTM Routine For Skin Hydration

Skipping the CTM routine just because you have good skin? Well, you won't after reading this blog post. Because who does not want a healthy and glo...

How To Use A Hair Serum

How To Use A Hair Serum: The Do’s And Don'ts

Frizzy hair can be hard to tackle. From humid climates to salt water on the beach, the fun may leave your hair dry and damaged.  Now, who doesn’t w...

When to apply hair

When to apply hair oil and hair serum for healt...

We all remember running away in nanoseconds when called by our mother to apply hair oil. Really, who wants the dripping oil on the forehead while s...

Revive Dry Hair: Restore Hydration, Revitalize Your Locks

Revive Dry Hair: Restore Hydration, Revitalize ...

Is your hair drier than a coconut husk? Oops. You have our deepest sympathy. As we enter the hottest season of the year with the scorching sun stra...

What's the difference between water-based and oil-based face serum?

What's the difference between water-based and o...

We understand that choosing between an oil-based face serum and a water-based face serum is confusing. Perhaps even more confusing than answering t...

Which is the best body moisturizer for dry skin?

Which is the best body moisturizer for dry skin?

Dry skin, huh? It's like a Sahara desert. Leave one drop of water, and the next second, find no trace of it. In that case, what your body really ne...

12 Aloe vera gel benefits you need to know

12 Aloe vera gel benefits you need to know

Did you know that aloe vera contains over 75 potentially active components? It includes vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and salicylic acids. That's...

Everything you need to know before oiling your hair

Everything you need to know before oiling your ...

From north to south, east to west, every Indian household follows one hair care routine regardless - hair oiling. With constant exposure to styling...

Are charcoal face masks a detox trend or a skincare myth?

Are charcoal face masks a detox trend or a skin...

Is your skin more oily than your mom's poori? well, then it's high time to get both in control. If you have oily skin, we understand your constant ...

benefits of rice milk face toner

What are the benefits of rice milk face toner a...

Are those large open pores stealing all your thunder? It's a common concern for many, which can be cured with the right skin care product. In recen...

Best hair oil for dandruff

Why do you need an anti-dandruff hair oil for a...

Imagine you're all dressed up, ready to make a great impression, but there's one thing holding you back – those white flakes on your shoulders. No ...

Why moisturiser & sunscreen are a must-have this winter season?

Why moisturiser & sunscreen are a must-have thi...

With the season of hot chocolate and a cosy blanket around the corner, there is one thing you need to stock up on to avoid snowflakes on your face:...

Sunscreen Secrets: The Science Behind Protection

Sunscreen Secrets: The Science Behind Protection

As you soak up the sun's warmth, it's easy to forget that its rays carry life-giving energy and potential harm. That's where sunscreen steps in as ...

how to remove tan

How to remove tan by using the best body care p...

The warmth of the sun on your skin is undeniably blissful, but not necessarily too much, in that case, it's a tan. While a sun-kissed glow is appre...

Haircare Products

Best 10 Tips To Regrow Your Hair Naturally

Tired of chasing after promises and Amazon magical potions to regrow your hair? But what if the path to regrowing your hair naturally was a return ...